Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Year's Diet - Starting Out and Sticking to It

By Lori Granich, RD, Clinical Dietitian at the Midwest Bariatric Institute

It’s that time of year again. A new year signifies a new beginning. This is when we typically reflect on our past and how we can improve upon it during the year to come. Making a New Year's resolution can be a make or break situation. Only a few percentage of people are able to stick to it till the end. So if your goal is to lose weight, here are simple suggestions to help you stick to your resolution this year:

Make it real.
Picking a resolution that is unrealistic is only setting you up for failure and disappointment. If you have a big goal in mind, divide it up into smaller, more attainable goals that could lead you to it. For example, if you want to lose 20 lbs, aim for 1 - 2 lbs a week until your goal is reached.

Don’t take on too much.
Don’t try to revamp your entire life. This will only burn you out. Instead, concentrate on a few goals and the steps you’ll need to take to achieve them.

Make a plan and write it down.
Writing down your weight loss plan will help keep you focused and can be very motivating! Anytime you have a “slip up,” look back and get inspired by all the progress you have made. Reviewing your positive steps will also make it harder to go back to your old habits.

Make your goals known.
Telling friends and family members about your goals means that people will be holding you accountable and supporting you along the way. It helps to have someone in your corner. Your goals will also seem more real if you talk about them, rather than keeping them to yourself.

Cut yourself some slack.
Nobody is perfect! You're going to experience some setbacks along the way. Don't let one or two food slips make you give up. Think of setbacks as opportunities for growth. Try to identify the cause. Was it who you were with? How you were feeling? This way, you can plan ahead for future events where you may be presented with a similar hurdle.

Set up a reward system.
If you've reached a mini-goal or you have stuck with your resolution for a month, treat yourself to something special. But, try not to use food as a reward. Instead, treat yourself to something non-food related like a massage or new workout gear.

For more information about weight loss management, including upcoming seminars and support groups, visit the Midwest Bariatric Institute online at

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