Thursday, September 12, 2013

Living Miracles, Inspiring Health: Johnny's Miracle

Miracles come in all sizes. When Johnny Reyna hit 485 pounds, he was using a CPAP machine to breathe at night, was on numerous medications, and was thought to be prediabetic.

Only 40 years old, he began to wonder whether he would be around to watch his daughter Emelia grow up. On a Disney World trip, he thought, “What will happen when she gets older? I can't even fit in the seats of these rides now; if I continue the way I'm going, I won't be around for her as she grows.” This realization helped him come to one of the most important decisions of his life - to lose weight and to radically change his lifestyle.

He finally reached that place in his head where he knew he wanted to lose weight more than anything else, and Emelia served as the catalyst. On the recommendation of Franciscan Hammond Clinic, and seeing the newspaper ads and billboards for Dr. Gerald A. Cahill, Johnny turned to Franciscan St. Margaret Health - Dyer for his miracle, where he elected to have minimally invasive gastric bypass surgery.

He was scared but thought, “I could die if I don't do it, so I am prepared to die trying.” Within six months of Johnny’s surgery, his weight was down to 230, a 255-pound weight loss from his highest point. John attributes his success to determination, attending Franciscan St. Margaret Health support groups, and help from staff such as Patricia Konvalinka from Franciscan Hammond Clinic, who encouraged him along the whole way. Today, when he drives with his mom by a billboard for Dr. Cahill, she waves and says, “Thanks, Doc.” To Johnny and his family, losing all that weight is nothing short of a miracle.

Friday, September 6, 2013

VIDEO UPDATE - "Windy City Live!" Producer Talks Weight Loss Surgical Success

Earlier this year, our team here at the Midwest Bariatric Institute visited the set of "Windy City Live!". Dr. Gerald Cahill appeared on the show and discussed the weight loss journey of WCL Producer and Contributor David Plummer and his Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure.

UPDATE...David was back in the spotlight and in front of the cameras again this week...100 pounds lighter! And his experience has inspired another co-worker to seek out surgical options as well.


Congrats, David. Good luck, Greg. We are all wishing you well as you keep your journeys going strong!